Let the puzzle mathematical made four days ago. We'll see how today - using the Solver of Excel - you can easily solve this problem, although the algebra is not your forte ...
The model below shows the original formulas in column A, and how we have entered into the model C3: F5. The values of the three variables are in line 2. Formula G3 reproduced until line 5 is: = SUMPRODUCT ($ C $ 2: $ F $ 2, C3: F3) .
Formula G6, finally, is: = SUMPRODUCT (G3: G5 G3: G5) . This formula calculates the sum of squared residuals of the equations: it must result in a score of 0 for the problem to be solved.
We then used the solver of Excel by entering the above parameters. It just click on the button "Solve" for a split second in the final solution with C2, C3 and C4 values 40, 30 and 10.
Note - If you do not see the solver to the right of the tab "Data" is that you must activate it. For this, go through the Office button, click "Excel Options" then "supplements" and then select the solver, go through the button "Go" and finally check and validate the solver ...